Bangor City Hall
262 Harlow Street, Bangor, ME 04401


Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 4:30PM
Government > Government

City Government

The City of Bangor operates under a home rule charter originally adopted by the voters in 1931. This Charter outlines Bangor’s Council-Manager form of government.

The City Council, composed of nine individuals elected at-large on a non-partisan basis, is the governing body of the City and is responsible for establishing overall policy, adopting an annual budget, and providing general oversight to the City's operations. Councilors are elected to three-year terms with three positions on the Council up for election each year in November. Once elected, Councilors are limited to three consecutive three-year terms. Immediately following election in November, the Council selects one of its members to serve as Council Chair for the year. The Council Chair serves as Mayor and represents the City at ceremonial events and in its interactions with State and Federal Governments.

The City Council appoints four administrative positions – the City Clerk who is responsible for the maintenance of City records and City Elections, the City Solicitor who advises the Council and staff on legal issues, the City Assessor who is charged with establishing equitable property values for the purpose of property taxes, and the City Manager who is the City’s Chief Administrative Officer and who is responsible for the day to day operations of the City Government.

The Bangor School Department is a part of City Government. A separately elected School Committee is charged with the overall supervision and management of the Department. Composed of seven members elected at large for three-year terms, the School Committee appoints a Superintendent who manages the day to day affairs of the Department. The City Council’s authority over the School Department is generally limited to approval of the Department’s annual operating budget.

Bangor City Government provides a full range of municipal services through four major divisions: Finance, Infrastructure and Development Support, Government Operations, and Business and Economic Development. Services range from Police and Fire to Health and Welfare to Planning and Economic Development. Department Heads are appointed by the City Manager subject to confirmation by the Council and all City personnel decisions are made on the basis of merit.

The City’s operating principles include responsiveness to our citizens, professionalism in our daily operations, and efficiency in providing services to our community.