City Council Committees
Business & Economic Development
The Business & Economic Development Committee reviews and provides advisory comment to the City Council on proposed Council orders, ordinances, resolves or other items related to community and economic development. The committee meets the first and third Monday of each month, unless otherwise stated on the city calendar.
The Finance Committee is comprised of five City Council members and has oversight of the majority of the City's financial decisions. The committee meets the first and third Monday of each month, unless otherwise stated on the city calendar.
Government Operations
The Government Operations Committee reviews and provides advisory comment to the City Council regarding proposed Council orders, ordinances, resolves or other items relating to the following departments, divisions and special appropriation accounts: City clerk, police, fire, health and community services, parks and recreation, harbor, and administrative services. The committee meets the first Monday of each month, unless otherwise stated on the city calendar.
Infrastructure Committee
The Infrastructure Committee reviews City capital projects, including stormwater, sanitary sewer, streets, intersection improvements, pedestrian/bicycle improvements, and approval of grants offered through State and Federal agencies, such as the Federal Highway Administration, Maine Department of Transportation and Environmental Protection Agency. The committee meets the third Monday of each month, unless otherwise stated on the city calendar.