Bangor City Hall
262 Harlow Street, Bangor, ME 04401


Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 4:30PM
Departments > Public Works > Disposal of Electronic and Hazardous Waste > Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste

Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste

What is Household Hazardous Waste?  How do I know if the item I wish to dispose of is hazardous?

Household hazardous waste cannot be included in your regular trash that is collected curbside.  Hazardous waste contain chemicals that pose significant environmental hazards if not properly disposed of.  Common examples of household hazardous waste are as follows:

  • oil and latex paints;

  • TVs;

  • pesticides and insecticides;

  • fluorescent lights;

  • thermometers and thermostats;

  • oil and gasoline;

  • computer monitors, and;

  • cleaning products and chemicals.

If you have a question about whether the material you wish to dispose of is hazardous and if it should/should not be included in your regular trash collection, please contact Public Works at 992-4500.  For items that are not appropriate to include in regular trash pick up, see below for disposal options.

How do I properly dispose of Household Hazardous Waste?

There are a number of options that Bangor residents can use to dispose of common household hazardous waste. 

Pesticides / Insecticides

Once a year, usually in the Fall, the Maine Pesticide Board provides a free collection of obsolete pesticides.  To participate, you must send in a registration form that will include information of what you plan to bring to the collection.  The collection is free for all homeowners as well as non-corporate farmers and greenhouse operators.  To learn more, please visit:

If you cannot participate in the annual obsolete pesticide collection, please call the Maine Board of Pesticides Control at 207-287-2731


Latex Paints

Allow the paint to evaporate by taking the lid off.  Cat litter can be added to the can to hasten drying time.  Once the paint is dried out, place the can with contents into 2 trash bags.  Place in normal trash for pickup.


Oil-Based Paints, Varnishes & Polyurethanes

Oil based paints, varnishes & polyurethanes are considered hazardous waste and must be properly disposed of.  The best way to dispose of paint is to use it!  If you cannot use it, try giving it away or donating it to an organization that can.   Dispose of waste paint through the Maine Paint Care program:



Thermostats & Thermometers, Fluorescent Lightbulbs, Electronic Waste (TVs, Computers, Cell Phones, etc), etc.

E-waste can be disposed of at Casella's Pine Tree Landfill located at 358 Emerson Mill Road in Hampden. Please contact them at 862-4200 for details or visit their website for hours of operation.  

Additionally, Challenger Learning Center hosts collection events seasonally.


Car, lawn mower, and boat batteries

Residents should consider returning these to the place they were purchased or call AIM at 947-3710 to inquire about disposal.

Whitegoods such as refrigerators, microwaves, and metal items

Call AIM at 947-3710 to inquire about disposal or visit their website.


For all other household hazardous waste

You can contact the Bangor office of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection at (207) 941-4570 to find out about additional ways to dispose of hazardous waste.  The Maine Environmental Depot, located in Lewiston, accepts household hazardous waste from any Maine citizen.  To learn more about the depot, please call: (207) 786-7390.

Contact Information

Mailing Address
530 Maine Ave., Bangor, ME 04401


